Official Art

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The art of The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest was never released through an artbook, instead manifesting piecemeal through other sources. This leaves the collection incomplete and in imperfect condition due to lossy .jpg compression. There seem to be seven primary classes of art.

  • The first includes high quality personal pictures—the big Dr. Quest and Jonny heads, Jonny's molecule picture, underwater Race, Jessie in QuestWorld and Hadji deep in thought.
  • The second are six simply-colored sketches of the characters displaying full physiques, released through the Style Guides with a color reference.
  • The third class are myriad sketches and situational drawings depicting the characters in different lights and several scenes. Most of the situational ones have been colored, as have a few of the personal sketches. While all are represented in the Digital Style Guide and many situational pieces have been used with other Real Adventures merchandise, high quality source pictures of these have never really materialized other than a few basic sketches for each character.
  • The fourth class involves images with no clear source at all, such as this and images geared specifically for the website.
  • The fifth class consist of production sketches for characters and episodes, probably released through AOL.
  • The sixth group comes from the promotional video for the show's premiere, and features concept art which is otherwise unreleased or seen in any other materials.
  • Finally, the seventh group includes stills or renders of QuestWorld released by computer animators such as Casey Dame or Francois Lord.

If you have art or images of a higher quality than the ones seen here, or something missing from this page, please e-mail [email protected]. The best sources currently known are the Style Guide, and Press Kit. To download scanned collections of these, click these links:

Color Art


Scans courtesy of JQStyle.


Actual cels are sometimes taken home by the artists and later put up for auction on Ebay.

Cover-Up At Roswell

The Roswell Packaging also contains art on the box.

Those amazing "molecule" art pieces were made for the launch of the show, but have unfortunately never appeared anywhere else on the Internet. They were used to decorate the outside of Hanna-Barbera's offices at the time of launch:

The last image was displayed on this website.

Jonny Quest Digital Style Guide

Concept Art

Promo Video

World of Hanna-Barbera

Larry Navarro Sketches

Feed Your Mind Behind the Scenes Video

Other or Unknown

According to an Ebay auction, the Takashi Masunaga poster print was somehow affiliated with a Galoob promotion.

QuestWorld Renders

Casey Dame Images

Most are based on the Digital Style Guide, but like the colored Bandit image, there are a few rarities.

YTV Website Images

DVD and VCD Art

Magazine Article Art

From Animation Magazine Producer Interviews:

Magazine Ad Art

Click here for a clean PNG version of the unknown ad's Jonny art.

A folding ad from yet another unknown magazine was also issued:

Program Exchange Syndication Booklet Art

TV Promotional Slides

These French slides were recovered through an auction.

These were also up for auction:


Unknown Source

Season Examples

These are screenshots of character profiles from certain episodes comparing character appearances. Three sets are presented for season one, which was animated by several different studios. The disparity tends to follow two patterns; most episodes seems to have been animated by Mook Studios (which did season two), using soft lines and uncomplicated backgrounds. The other group (including The Darkest Fathoms, In the Realm of the Condor, and others) feature extremely detailed background paintings, heavy lines, and substantial digital animation and post-processing. Examples for Bandit and the villains are also included.


Jonny Quest Digital Style Guide

Feed Your Mind Behind the Scenes

Season Designs

Season 1 Model Sheets

These were recovered on Ebay in 2024.

Quest Compound:

Season 2 Model Sheets

These were recovered in an auction.

Episodic model sheets:


Village of the Doomed

Diamonds and Jade

General Winter

The Robot Spies

Other DVD Art

Questworld DVD Art

Merchandise Art

Unknown Source



These fonts were used in the show and with promotional materials and merchandise.

Other Art

Jonny Quest Digital Style Guide

For preservation, here are Jonny Quest and the Cyber Insections model sheets and storyboards we came across. Model sheets are below; download the storyboards here (861 MB).

From: Main Page